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Women’s Mining Coalition (WMC) members travel to Washington D.C. for meetings on Capitol Hill. The meetings facilitate connections with legislators, agencies, and other professionals in Washington D.C., discussing current mining issues and policies. The women work in the hardrock, coal and industrial minerals industries and for companies that provide goods and services to mining companies. During the Fly-In WMC members work hard to educate the members of Congress about the importance of a robust domestic mining industry.
The mechanics document includes general information about the legislative process, logistics of meetings, and how to talk to Hill staff.
See the Past Fly-In Papers for information about offices visited, issues covered, and pictures from Fly-Ins.
WMC offers our members and their companies several opportunities to sponsor a portion of the Fly-In costs. If you or your company is interested in sponsoring any of the activities, please contact Lyndsey Wright, WMC Manager at wearewmc@wmc-usa.org.
Many thanks to the faithful sponsors who send their women to the Fly-In every year as well as financial support with their corporate memberships!
The Women’s Mining Coalition is a non-profit organization operating under 501(c)(4)status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.